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Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer to Perform at Benefit

(argusleader.com) A series of fundraising events to celebrate the grand opening of the Brennan Rock & Roll Academy will begin March 26 and feature a variety of rock stocks including Vince Neal, Alice Cooper and Night Ranger.

The Brennan Rock & Roll Academy will provide a music education program for children in the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sioux Empire, focusing on Rock & Roll instruments including guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, drums and vocals. Churck Brennan, a South Dakota native and founder of Dollar Loan Center, is a major donor to the Academy and has a lifelong passion for rock & roll music.

All events for the grand opening of the Brennan Rock & Roll Academy will be held in the facility at 900 W. 11th Street in Sioux Falls. The facility

The schedule of events include:

- Tuesday, March 26, Night Ranger, 8:30 p.m.: Hits include “Sister Christian,” “When You Close Your Eyes.”

- Wednesday, March 27, Louie Anderson and Superstar Guests, 8:30 p.m.: Award-winning comedian, author and television star Louie Anderson will be joined by reality television stars Rick and Corey Harrison from the History Channel show “Pawn Stars.”

- Thursday, March 28, Alice Cooper & celebrity stars, 8:30 p.m.: Alice Cooper will perform with Kory & the Fireflies; Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer of KISS; Robby Krieger of the DOORS; Sebastian Bach, Joey Allen of WARRANT; and Chuck Garric, currently on tour with Cooper.

- Friday, March 29, Rockin’ Open House, Free to the public, noon to 10 p.m.:The public is invited for facility tours that will include free food and drinks as well as performances by local bands. After 5 p.m., only guests 21 and over will be admitted.

- Saturday, March 30, Hairball concert for Boys & Girls Clubs members, 3 p.m.: A free performance by rock tribute ban Hairball, for members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sioux Empire.

- Saturday, March 30, Vince Neil and Stephen Pearcy with Hairball, 8:30 p.m.: Mötley Crüe frontman Vince Neil will perform with singer and songwriter Stephen Pearcy of RATT. The prolific artists will be joined by Hairball.

*All performances include dinner and drinks. Maximum four-ticket purchase per person.

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