Peter Criss To Be Inducted Into Cancer Survivors Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame “honors an inspirational cancer survivor with an induction into our Cancer Survivors Hall of Fame. These individuals represent the courage of all who struggle daily with the battle against cancer.”
Criss was exercising in 2007 when he noticed a lump in his breast. The lump was diagnosed as breast cancer and, in 2008, Peter had a lumpectomy followed by a mastectomy. Because the disease was found early, he did not have to go through chemotherapy.
Since that time, Criss has been an vocal advocate against the stigma of breast cancer in men. He told reporters in 2009 “It can happen to you, and when it does, if you don’t deal with it right away, with your ‘dude’ and your metal and your tattoos, you’ll go in the box and we’ll see you.”
Although rare (less than 1% of diagnosed cases), breast cancer can be found in men as they, too, have breast tissue. Every year, about 2,000 men are diagnosed with the disease with 400 dying.
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