VIDEO: New Surgery Corrects Congenital Ear Deformity, Paul Stanley Inspires Patient

"We want her to have the most normal life that she can possibly have," dad Nolan said.
Microtia is a deformity of the ear that occurs in roughly 1 in 10,000 births. It is usually associated with no ear canal and poor hearing.
Surgeon John Reinisch created a technique that shapes the patient's own tissue with a specially made plastic ear. The surgery isn't just cosmetic, it improves their hearing, as well.
"Probably about 60 percent of the children we operate on we work with an otologist who makes a canal. So, those children can have everything done in one surgery," Reinisch said.
KISS rock star Paul Stanley knows the loneliness of growing up with microtia and hopes to inspire young patients with his story.
Reporter: Were you teased? Were you bullied?
Paul Stanley: Oh, relentlessly. And even when you're not being teased, you're aware that people are staring.
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