Frobes' Interview With Paul Stanley And Gene Simmons
I’ve been listening to rock music my entire life, and I cannot even remember a time in my childhood when I wasn’t a KISS fan. My eight older siblings — particularly my sisters — all listened to KISS and other rock bands, playing 45s and filling the house with the soundtrack of my youth. How many times did I don KISS makeup for Halloween? How many of their LPs and 45s did I hear over and over on the record player? How many times did I drive home at night, windows down and Detroit Rock City blaring from the radio? And how many times did I sit down at a piano and play the opening of Beth, the only tune I could even play? Later, in my teens, I would write song lyrics and sing in a band, with the KISS song Lick It Up as a crowd-pleasing part of the set. KISS wasn’t just a band, they were an idea, and their songs were anthems declaring that idea belonged to everybody.
There’s nothing in the music world like a KISS concert. I’ve seen it in person myself, and it’s got to be experienced to be understood and believed. Previously, there wasn’t a way to truly capture and deliver that experience outside of the live concert. But that’s changed, and so today we have KISS Rocks Vegas, a concert movie that finally delivers a concert experience in a cinema setting. A one-night-only engagement, KISS Rocks Vegas benefits from the remarkable and unparalleled sound of Dolby Atmos. I screened the film at a special event with the band itself, at Dolby Laboratories in LA.
If you read me regularly, you know I’m obsessive about sound and image in theaters, and that I’ve been a huge fan of Atmos. I hadn’t realized the potential for creating theatrical concert experiences that were truly immersive, that created a live concert experience, until listening to Jon Favreau describe how he used Atmos to create a sound mix for The Jungle Book that was a revival of Walt Disney’s Fantasound back in the late 1930s and early 1940s. I’m lucky enough to have seen Iron Maiden live in concert a couple of weeks before seeing KISS Rocks Vegas, so I had a direct recent comparison regarding how well the concert movie adapted the live experience to the theater. I’m happy to say, the result is spectacular — as a KISS fan and an Atmos fan, I was on cloud nine.
It’s one thing to enjoy immersive sound in a fictional feature film situation, but you can really sink your teeth– er, I mean ears into it when you have an actual personal comparison in real life and the movie recreates it. As visually thrilling and musically joyous as a live KISS concert, and as thunderously encompassing as hearing the band live, KISS Rocks Vegas is a greatest hits performance demonstrating a whole new potential for Atmos and for live music in cinema settings. I’m excited at what this could mean for the future of concert films.
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