Paul Stanley Talks About Worcester and Ipswich Fried Clams with Chuck Nowlin
The rocker called Chuck Nowlin to chat about the tour, and explained why the band prefers to play Worcester over Boston. “Here we are on this Freedom to Rock tour, which is pretty amazing, because basically what we’ve done on this tour is sidelined all the major cities, and we’ve gone back to a lot of cities that made us in the first place,” Stanley explained. “For us to go to Worcester, is a long history. When we were banned in Boston because of our pyro, we couldn’t play because they wouldn’t let us blow anything up. We always played Worcester as opposed to playing Boston. Those shows were purely, at that point, because we wouldn’t play Boston. Because if we couldn’t do it the way we wanted to do it, we weren’t gonna do it.”
On partnering with Hiring Our Heroes and Veteran Tickets Foundation to hire a currently serving member of the National Guard or Reserve Force to be a roadie for a day on KISS’s current tour, Stanley says “It’s not about giving them pay for a day. It’s really about another way to spot the military.” He urges others to help our veterans, too. “Anytime we tour, whether it’s giving a dollar from every ticket to Wounded Warrior Care project, which we’ve done in the past, or supporting Hiring Our Heroes with a check, this really is something we all need to do.”
Take it from a rock star, “It’s cool to be patriotic and it’s cool to love your country.”
To hear the rest of Paul Stanley’s interview with Chuck, and how he would like to incorporate Ipswich fried clams and “lobstah” rolls into his Rock & Brew restaurant menu, listen below!
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