If Big 12 kickers were ’80s hair bands
K-State — Matthew McCrane
Kiss. The greatest, most well-known hair band of all time. Kiss and McCrane have something in common: they are both leading in their own worlds. They have both been considered for awards, and they’ve both come back and surprised many. Just like Kiss with hair metal, McCrane is the best kicker in the conference, and he is the only kicker that is a semifinalist for the Lou Groza Award. After looking at McCrane’s comeback, he definitely wants to “Rock and Roll All Nite.”
Iowa State — Garrett Owens
Frehley’s Comet. Ace Frehley left Kiss and started his own band before eventually going solo. Frehley was a huge star, but when he’s brought up in conversation, all that really comes up is Kiss and his solo music. Likewise, Iowa State has exploded onto the national scene, but no one pays attention to their kicker who is quietly making field goals at a 69.2 percent clip and has not missed an extra point.
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